April 16,2021

Press Contact:

Keith Chu (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Nominations of Jayme White and Sarah Bianchi for Deputy United States Trade Representatives

Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement praising President Biden’s nomination of Jayme White and Sarah Bianchi to serve as Deputy U.S. Trade Representatives. White currently serves as Chief Advisor for International Competitiveness and Innovation for Wyden on the Senate Finance Committee.

“USTR has nominated two top notch deputies, and I am excited to see these nominations move forward as soon as possible.

“Jayme White has served the American people for more than two decades in Congress, fighting to modernize American trade policy so that it benefits American workers and American families, as well as protects American innovation. Jayme’s efforts were critical to securing new tools to enforce deals, cracking down on trade cheating by updating U.S. laws, and putting new transparency into trade negotiations. These accomplishments are well known at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue and in capitals around the world.

“Sarah Bianchi has extensive and wide-ranging policy and political experience, in addition to having the private sector perspective. I am confident that she will bring this broad experience to bear on our significant trade policy challenges – including ensuring proper enforcement of our existing trade deals, making way for the trade of the future, and most importantly, ensuring both our past and future trade policy works for American workers and their families.”
