March 18,2015

Press Contact:

Keith Chu: 202-224-3789

Wyden Praises U.S. Enforcement Action Against Unfair Indonesian Trade Barriers

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today praised the United States’ request to establish a World Trade Organization (WTO) panel to consider Indonesia’s licensing restrictions on imports of a wide range of American agricultural products, including fruits and vegetables and meat. 

“Strong enforcement of trade agreements is critical to ensuring that other countries play by the rules and that American workers, farmers and ranchers are given a fair shake at capturing new export opportunities overseas,” Wyden said. “Indonesia’s elaborate restrictions on imports have left American farm products, including Oregon fruits and vegetables, tied up in red tape at the border.  I am pleased that USTR is taking this step to fight for American farmers and ranchers and cut through the continually shifting schemes that have been holding up our products and creating needless market uncertainty.”
