April 03,2001

Grassley Releases Witness List for Tax Schemes Hearing

***** Please note slightly revised witness list. *****

Hearing: “Taxpayer Beware: Schemes, Scams and Cons”

Date/time: Thursday, April 5, 2001, at 10 a.m.

Location: 215 Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C.Description: Sen. Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Committee on Finance, released the followingwitness list for a hearing on Internet-based or -augmented schemes promoting taxavoidance.

Witness List

A panel consisting of:
Aaron Bazar, former seller of tax scams for the Institute for Global Prosperity who now operates aweb site, www.global-prosperity.com, which alerts taxpayers to the scam he helped run, NorthPotomac, Md.

JJ MacNab, tax scam watchdog, certified financial planner, certified life underwriter, insuranceanalyst, operates web site, www.deathandtaxes.com, co-chair of the Exempt OrganizationCommittee of the American Bar Association, Bethesda, Md.

Robert Sommers, attorney, operates computer web site partially devoted to exposing tax fraud,www.taxprophet.com, San Francisco, Calif.

Jay Adkisson, financial adviser, Adkisson Financial, LLC, operates computer website,www.quatloos.com, whose purpose is exposing fraud, Irving, Calif.

Joseph G. Hodges Jr., attorney, American Bar Association, Real Property, Probate and Trust LawSection, www.abanet.org/rppt; member, American College of Trust and Estate Counsel,www.actec.org, Denver, Colo.

A panel consisting of:
Charles Rossotti, commissioner, Internal Revenue Service, Washington, D.C.

Hugh G. Stevenson, associate director for planning and information, Bureau of Consumer Protection,Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C.

Michael Brostek, director, Tax Administration and Justice Issues, U.S. General Accounting Office,Washington, D.C.