August 07,2017

Fox News: Hatch Ready to ‘Move Ahead’ on Tax Reform

Utah Senator Says, “This one time, let's do this for our country. Let's do this for our American citizens, let's do this for our economy, let's do this for the world.”


WASHINGTON – Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) discussed tax reform with Maria Bartiromo on her Fox News program Sunday Morning Futures. Highlights below:

On Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate from One of the Highest to One of the Lowest:
“I think that would boom America. That would get businesses going like never before. It would make us competitive in the worldwide marketplace. It would stop the erosion of our companies going to other nations. And, frankly, it would be very, very good for America.”

On Lowering Individual Rates Across the Board:
“I would like to see it [individual rates] very, very low. If we could get to those rates it would be…beneficial for the country. The president is right on that.”

On Timing to Advance Tax Reform:
“We need to move ahead…no question about it.”

On Whether Tax Reform can be Achieved:
“I actually think it is, but it is going to take Democrats and Republicans getting together, putting aside their stupid differences and saying, look, this one time, let's do this for our country. Let's do this for our American citizens, let's do this for our economy, let's do this for the world. Really, because the United States is the key country in the world, if we’re not strong, the rest of the world is going to be in chaos even worse than it is right now.”

Hatch announced last week the Senate Finance Committee will hold multiple hearings and a markup this fall on tax reform.

Click here to watch Hatch’s full interview.
