December 08,2016

Hatch Statement on Meeting with HHS Secretary Nominee Rep. Tom Price

Utah Senator says “it’s clear Tom is a bright and capable lawmaker whose personal experience as a doctor and public servant has allowed him to develop an encyclopedic understanding of the challenges plaguing the nation’s health care system.”



WASHINGTON – Today, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) met with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Nominee U.S. Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) in his office in the U.S. Capitol and issued the following statement:
“We already know that Obamacare has been a dead drag on the American economy. And, after my meeting today, it’s clear Tom is a bright and capable lawmaker whose personal experience as a doctor and public servant has allowed him to develop an encyclopedic understanding of the challenges plaguing the nation’s health care system. From skyrocketing premiums to higher taxes and fewer choices, American families, seniors, and job creators have had to bear the brunt of the health law. Tom is well equipped to take on the challenge of unraveling the damage that has been done and working with Congress to implement common-sense, patient-focused reforms that will reduce health care costs and increase access to affordable, high-quality care. I look forward to working with Tom to ensure a speedy and fair vetting and confirmation process that will allow for the timely approval by the full Senate.”
Background: The U.S. Senate, as is its role under the Constitution, carefully, thoroughly and fairly vets and scrutinizes the President’s nominees. Each nominee that moves through the Senate Finance Committee will undergo the same bipartisan vetting process as the nominees from previous administrations. Traditionally, each nominee is required to submit a questionnaire as well as full copies of their tax returns to the Committee for review. Once the internal vetting process is completed, the Finance Committee will schedule a date for a confirmation hearing. The Senate Finance Committee recognizes the need for a seamless transition between administrations and will act in a swift and thorough manner to clear the nominees in the Committee to ensure a timely consideration by the full Senate.
