May 17,2017

Obamacare: Unaffordable & Unacceptable

With high costs and skyrocketing premiums, Obamacare has been consistent in harming the American people and crushing middle class families.

Burdensome taxes and mandates on insurance plans have caused sharp increases in premiums all across the country and have forced many insurers to leave the market altogether, reducing competition that would lead to better prices for consumers in the process.

In fact, spending on healthcare for middle-class families has increased nearly a quarter in the last decade. In 2017 alone, premiums increased 25 percent on average, making it all but impossible for Americans to afford the coverage they need without having to break the bank to buy it.

To make matters worse, Americans who choose not to pay the high premiums face an expensive fine for not having coverage.

Obamacare has continued to cost more while covering less, pointing to one undeniable truth:

The law is unaffordable and the status quo is unacceptable.

Senate Republicans are focused on efforts to repeal and replace this disastrous law, address costs and promote choice to provide every American access to quality, affordable care.

