January 2010 |
Senate Unanimously Approves Bill To Aid U.S. Citizens Returning from Haiti
Baucus Floor Statement Regarding Conrad-Gregg Deficit Reduction Commission
Baucus, Grassley, Nelson, Menendez, LeMieux Introduce Bill to Provide Support for Americans Returning from Haiti
Senate Unanimously Approves Plan to Help Haiti
Baucus, Snowe, Landrieu Hail Assistant U.S. Trade Representative Dedicated to Promoting American Small Businesses
Baucus Floor Statement Regarding the Haiti Assistance Income Tax Incentive Act
Baucus, Grassley, Nelson, Lemieux Introduce Plan to Help Haiti
Baucus, Grassley, Rangel, Camp Announce Initiative to Help Haiti
Baucus, Snowe Call on USTR to Emphasize Small Business Growth
Dodd, Baucus Release Statements on White House Health Care Meeting
Baucus Floor Statement Regarding the Debt Limit
Baucus, Grassley Comment on New IRS Strategy to Monitor Tax Preparer Competency
December 2009 |
Senate Democrats Lead Historic Passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Learn More About the Senate Health Care Reform Plan
Finance Committee Favorably Reports Trade, Treasury and Health Nominations