July 29,2008

Baucus Remarks on the Jobs, Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of 2008


To: Reporters and Editors
From: Carol Guthrie for Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D- Mont.)
Re: S. 3335, the Jobs, Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of 2008

At a news conference today, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D- Mont.) urged
fellow Senators to support the important tax relief and alternative energy provisions in the Jobs,
Energy, Families, and Disaster Relief Act of 2008, which he introduced in the Senate earlier this
week. The Senate is expected to vote on that legislation on Wednesday. Chairman Baucus’s
remarks follow here.

“I like to be the bearer of good news. The Senate will head home this week – I hope! And I want
to take good news back to Montana.

“I want to tell Montanans that the Senate did what’s right – that Democrats and Republicans
came together for jobs, for energy, and for families. I want to tell Montanans we took a real step to break America’s dependence on oil.

“The Senate votes tomorrow on my energy and tax relief bill - the Jobs, Energy, Families, and
Disaster Relief Act. Americans want Congress to show some common sense. Gasoline is more
than $4 a gallon across the country. Americans want Congress to steer away from foreign oil,
and toward alternative and renewable energies. My bill has the right energy incentives to help
America turn the corner.

“My bill supports renewable electricity from wind, water, biomass, and other sources. It boosts
biodiesel and solar energy. It rewards energy-efficiency, and pushes for cleaner coal plants. It
even has a brand new tax credit for plug-in hybrid cars, so Americans can choose vehicles that
use less fuel or no fuel at all.

“Folks, these are the answers. With gas at four dollars a gallon, why on earth would we wait
another minute to get these energy technologies moving? A “no” vote on the Jobs, Energy, and
Families Act is a vote to kick the can down the road again on energy. That’s an expensive game
for families filling up at the pump. But Congress can act now to fuel an energy revolution.

“My state is the new frontier for alternative energy. Montana’s putting up so many windmills we
might have to make them the new state flower. New technologies will let us use coal in a better
way. Montana farmers are prepared to tap oilseed crops for clean-burning biofuels. I want to
back up new energy in Montana, and nationwide, with good policy.

“This jobs and energy bill has the right incentives to break OPEC’s stranglehold on America. It
will also create a lot of good-paying jobs in the process. And don’t forget – this is also the
Senate’s chance to protect working families from the alternative minimum tax. Good-paying jobs and stopping big tax increases for working families are also good reasons for Congress to act.

“Senators must support this bill now – and take some good news home.”
