September 18,2014

Press Contact:

Keith Chu: 202-224-4515

Wyden Statement on Extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act

WASHINGTON - Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., issued the following statement on the passage of a short-term extension of the Internet Tax Freedom Act, as part of the continuing resolution approved today:

“Thousands of small businesses across the country are breathing a sigh of relief that the Internet Tax Freedom Act is poised to be extended as part of the spending resolution that passed the Senate today. But when the Congress returns, I fully expect another misguided attempt to tie this essential legislation to an unrelated and harmful proposal that would turn small businesses into tax collectors for hundreds of different jurisdictions across the country,” Wyden said.

“Over the next six weeks, I hope that the proponents of the Marketplace Fairness Act will face the facts and admit that they can’t achieve their goal by holding the Internet economy hostage, so they’ll have to go about it any other way than tying it to ITFA. There is absolutely no way to reconcile the current MFA and ITFA – and it will stay that way after this short-term extension. Anyone who votes for passing MFA alongside ITFA is voting to repeal the Internet Tax Freedom Act.”
