June 21,2017

Obamacare’s Premium Problem

Seven and a half years ago, Obamacare was presented to the American people as quality and affordable care for all.

Now, seven and a half years later, Americans face a very different reality muddled with burdensome mandates, massive losses in coverage and premium spikes averaging in the triple digits across the nation from 2013 to 2017.

Triple. Digits.

Coast to coast, skyrocketing premiums are crippling middle-class families and small businesses. For example, in Oregon, premiums are up by an average of 110 percent. In Utah, premiums are up by an average of 101 percent. In Pennsylvania, premiums are up by an average of 120 percent. In Delaware, premiums are up by an average of 108 percent. In Missouri, premiums are up by an average of 145 percent.

Under Obamacare, these states are not exceptions. They are the rule and it is unacceptable.

Obamacare has failed to meet its promises and it has failed the American people in the process. Republicans understand that the time is now to rescue the American people from this disastrous law and continue to work to enact affordable, patient-centered reforms.

