December 01,2017

Press Contact:

Keith Chu: 202-224-4515

Wyden Statement on ITC Hardwood Plywood Vote

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Sen.  Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today praised the International Trade Commission’s 4-0 vote confirming that dumped and subsidized plywood are harming American workers.

“Subsidized and dumped Chinese hardwood plywood imports have devastated American producers of hardwood plywood and their workers, as well as communities in Oregon and throughout the country that depend on mill jobs.  I welcome the unanimous vote of the International Trade Commission today, which leaves no doubt that America’s hardwood plywood producers are entitled to trade relief under U.S. law. 

Senator Wyden led a letter and testified in support of U.S. hardwood plywood producers before the Commission in October.  Today’s decision follows several improvements to U.S. trade remedies law that were championed by Senator Wyden as part of trade legislation passed and signed into law within the last two years. 
