September 17,2019

Press Contact:

Ashley Schapitl (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Treasury Department Nominations of Brent McIntosh and Brian Callanan

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on the Treasury Department nominations of Brent McIntosh to be Undersecretary for International Affairs and Brian Callanan to be General Counsel:

“Brent McIntosh and Brian Callanan have been central to the most controversial, legally-suspect Treasury Department actions during the Trump administration. They do not deserve promotions. 

“Both Mr. McIntosh and Mr. Callanan played major roles in the department’s decision to defy a lawful congressional request for Donald Trump’s tax returns under section 6103 of the tax code. 

“They also played major roles in the department’s efforts to open the floodgates to foreign and dark money pouring into our elections. The rule they pushed was overturned by a federal district court, making clear that the department broke the law in attempting to allow groups like the NRA to pump millions of anonymous dollars into our electoral system. 

“Mr. McIntosh and Mr. Callanan have put Republican political interests ahead of upholding the rule of law. They should not be confirmed.”
