May 01,2019

Press Contact:

Taylor Harvey (202) 224-4515

Wyden Statement on Trump Administration 1332 Announcement

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today issued a statement following the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announcement of a request for information on additional ideas for Section 1332 waivers. Previously, the Trump administration announced changes to their interpretation of the ACA provision that contradict the law as written.

“The Trump administration is once again laying out the welcome mat for fraudsters who want to dupe Americans into buying junk insurance while taxpayers pick up the tab,” Wyden said. “I created State Innovation Waivers so states had an opportunity to improve health care for their residents. This perversion does the opposite: it opens the door to weakened protections for pre-existing conditions, fraud and higher premiums. Instead of doubling down on its sabotage agenda, the Trump administration should work to improve Americans’ health care.”
