April 27,2009

Statement from Grassley and Enzi about Reconciliation


TO: Reporters and Editors
FR: Jill Kozeny, for Senator Grassley, 202-224-1308; Craig Orfield, for Senator Enzi, 202-224-6770
RE: health care reform and budget reconciliation
DA: Monday, April 27, 2009

Senator Chuck Grassley, Ranking Member of the Committee on Finance, and Senator Mike Enzi, Ranking Member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions today issued the following statement.

“We've been part of a group of senators working very hard to put together a bipartisan health care reform bill this year. The negotiations are in good faith, and there's a lot of hope that they will succeed. That’s why it's very disappointing and even alarming to hear about a wedge potentially being driven into that productive effort by Democratic leaders in Congress and the White House. Cutting off Senate debate and deliberation with the budget reconciliation procedure would shortchange legislation with enormous impact. The health care system is more than one-sixth of America's economy, and few other issues match its effect on the quality of life of families and households nationwide. Chairmen Baucus, Kennedy and Conrad have set the stage for bipartisan reform, and it would be an injustice to have that effort undercut by congressional leaders and administration strategists. We hope that any plans for using budget reconciliation to jam a partisan health care bill are scrapped in favor of a bipartisan approach that serves Americans for decades to come.”