Committee Prints

Table for committee_print
Date News Item
acrobatCustoms Valuation: Report of the U.S. Tariff Commission
acrobatRules of Procedure: Committee on Finance
acrobatThe Multinational Corporation and the World Economy
acrobatMultinational Corporations: A Compendium of Papers
acrobatImplications of Multinational Firms for World Trade and Investment and for U.S. Trade and Labor: Report to the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate and Its Subcommittee on International Trade on Investigation No. 332-69, Under Section 332 of the Tariff Act of 1930
acrobatA Strategy for International Trade Negotiations
acrobatCanadian Automobile Agreement: Sixth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965
acrobatLegislative Calendar – Ninety-Second Congress
acrobatSummary of Social Security Amendments of 1972: Public Law 92-603 (Joint Publication with the House Committee of Ways and Means)
acrobatSummary of Social Security Amendments of1972 as Approved by the Conferees (Joint Publication with the House Committee on Ways and Means)
acrobatSocial Security Amendments of 1972: Brief Description of Senate Amemdments
acrobatSocial Security Amendments of 1972: Opening Statement of Senate Debate
acrobatStaff Data on H.R. 1: Items for Committee Consideration
acrobatStaff Data with Respect to Social Security Cash Benefit Provisions
acrobatStaff Data with Respect to Limiting Federal Funds for Social Services
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