Committee Prints

Table for committee_print
Date News Item
acrobatAnalysis of Medical Care for Aged Amendments to H.R. 11865
acrobatChanges in Existing Law – Social Security Act
acrobatBrief Summary of Major Provisions of and Detailed Comparison Showing Changes made in Title II of the Social Security Act by H.R. 11865 as Reported by the Committee on Finance
acrobatAnalysis of Medical Care for Aged Amendments to H.R. 11865
acrobatBrief Summary of Major Provisions of and Detailed Comparison Showing Changes made in Title II of the Social Security Act by H.R. 11865 and H.R. 9393 as Passed by the House of Representatives
acrobatAmendments Recommended by the Treasury Department to H.R. 8000 – Interest Equalization Tax Act
acrobatBrief Summary of the Provisions of H.R. 8363, The Revenue Act of 1964 - as Agreed to by the Conferees
acrobatPublic Debt Ceiling (Report 88-186)
acrobatStatements on Impact of Common Market Regultions on Export of United States Poultry
acrobatLegislative Calendar - Eighty-Seventh Congress
acrobatBrief Summary of Major Provisions of and Detailed Comparison Showing Changes made in Prior Law by Public Law 87-543 (Public Welfare Amendments of 1962)
acrobatText of Statements Submitted by Governmental Departments and Brief Analysis of Testimony and Written Statements by Industry Representaitves on H.R. 11970 Trade Expansion Act of 1962
acrobatCompendium of Statements Submitted by Representatives of Domestic and Foreign Sugar Producers and Other Representatives who Expressed Interest in the Sugar Act Amendments of 1962 – H.R. 12514
acrobatDigest of Testimony Presented and Statements Submitted for Inclusion for the Record of Hearings on H.R. 10606 (Public Welfare Amendments of 1962)
acrobatDraft Statutory Language, with Accompanying Explanation, of Amendments Proposed by the Secretary of the Treasury on May 10, 1962, to Sections 13, 15, 16, and 20 of H.R. 10650
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