December 2023 |
Wyden Statement at Finance Committee Hearing on Prescription Drug Shortages
November 2023 |
Wyden Floor Statement on Billionaires Income Tax and Restoring Fairness to the Tax Code
Wyden Leads Democratic Colleagues in Introducing Billionaires Income Tax
Wyden, Blumenauer Introduce Legislation to Support U.S. Kombucha Industry
32 Bipartisan Senators Call on White House to Reverse Course on Digital Trade and Stand Up to China, Support American Workers and Human Rights
Wyden Urges Congress to Act on Affordable Child Care for All
Bipartisan Senate Finance and Foreign Relations Committee Members Call for Swift Passage of Taiwan Double-Tax Relief Legislation Released By House Ways And Means Committee
Wyden Announces Finance Committee Hearing Examining Prescription Drug Shortages
Wyden Urges House Republicans to Take Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Cuts Off the Table in Fiscal Commission Proposal
Wyden, Whitehouse, King Lead Colleagues to Introduce Bill to Ensure Hedge Fund Managers Pay Fair Share in Taxes
Bipartisan Senators Urge CBP to Stop Imports of Clothing Made with Forced Labor By Ramping Up Oversight and Enforcement of Supply Chains
Wyden, Crapo Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Boost Exports of Fruit, Vegetables, Nuts and Other Specialty Crops
Wyden, Crapo Press Federal Agencies on Use of Artificial Intelligence
Wyden Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Examining Tax Dodging Schemes Used by Ultra-Wealthy Americans
Wyden, Crapo Applaud Committee Passage of Legislation to Improve Mental Health Care, Lower Drug Costs and Extend Essential Medicaid and Medicare Programs