Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the medicare subvention demonstration for veterans act of 1999
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the generalized system of preferences extension act, the Trade adjustment assistance reauthorization act, the U.S.-Caribbean basin trade enhancement act, the Sub-Saharan African growth and opportunity act; and to consider the nomination of Larence H. Summers, to be Secretary of Treasury
acrobatOpen executive session to consider H.R. 1833 the customs authorization act of 1999, and the steel trade enforcement act
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the affordable education act of 1999
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 331, the work incentives improvement act of 1999; and S. 494, the Nursing home residential security act of 1999
acrobatOpen Executive session to organize for the 106th Congress; to Consider the Miscellaneous Trade and technical corrections act of 1999; and to consider the nominations of susan G. esseman; timothy F. Geithner, Gary S. Gensler, Edwin M. Truman and David C. Williams
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the nominations of patricia montoya, david williams
acrobatOpen executive session to consider H.R. 4342, Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act, H.R. 3809, Drug Free Borders Act of 1998, and Nomination of Susan Esserman to be Deputy U.S. Trade Representative
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 2400, Trade and Tariff Act of 1998
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the nominations of Raymond W. Kelly, james E. johnson, elizabeth bresee; and S. J. Res. 47, A joint resolution disapproving the extension of the waiver authority contained in section 402(c) of the Trade Act of 1974 with respect to Vietnam
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1415; National Tobacco Policy and Youth Smoking Reduction Act
acrobatOpen executive session to consider H.R. 2676, Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the nominations of Richard fisher, donald lubick, paige marvel, michael thornton; and S. 1133, Parent and Student Savings Account PLUS Act
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the nominations of David L. aaron, mary ann cohen, margaret ann hamburg. stanford G. ross, david W. wilcox, rita hayes and charles rossotti
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1278, U.S.-Caribbean Basin Trade Enhancement Act; and S. 1269, Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1997
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