Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatOpen executive session to consider Most Favored Nation Status for Mongolia and Laos; S. 747, Clarifying the designation of Normal Trade Relations; S. 1216; OECD Shipbuilding Trade Agreement Act, and an International Trade Commission Study on the macadamia nut industry
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 442, Internet Tax Freedom Act
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 949, Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 949, Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 949, Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1997
acrobatOpen executive session to consider Aviation excise tax legislation
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. J. Resolution 5, and the nomination of ambassador charlene barshefsky to be U.S. Trade representative
acrobatOpen executive session to consider organizing for the 106th Congress
acrobatOpen executive session to consider H.R. 3815, Miscellaneous Trade and Technical Corrections Act of 1996
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1795, Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996; and the Budget Reconciliation Instructions as Contained in the Budget Resolution
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider the nominations of Marcia E. Miller, and Raymond W. Kelly
acrobatOpen executive session to consider H.R. 3286, the Adoption Promotion and Stability Act of 1996, and the Committee Substitute for the Revenue Provisions in H.R. 4 3448, The Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996
acrobatOpen executive session to consider H.R. 2853, Relating to Most Favored Nation Status for Bulgaria; H.R. 1642, Relating to Most favored nation status for Cambodia; and H.R. 3074, Relatingto tariff Treatment of Products Imported from the West Bank and Gaza Strip with a Committee Amendment Relating to the OECD Shipbuilding Agreement, Extension of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) Program and Revenue Offsets
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomionations of Stuart E. Eizenstat, and James E. Johnson
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1470, Senior Citizens' Freedom to Work Act of 1995
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