Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 2351, The Health Security Act
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 2351, The Health Security Act
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the Nomination of Joan Logue-Kinder to be Assistant Secretary of Treasury
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the Nomination of Joan Logue-Kinder to be Assistant Secretary of Treasury
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider S. 1814, Crop Insurance Proceeds and Disaster Payments
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S.1231, Social Security Domestic Employment Reform Act and the Nominations of Lynn Bragg, Booth Gardner, Susan Esserman and Charles Meissner
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Mary Ellen Withrow to be Treasurer of the United States
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1560, Social Security Independent Agency Act; and the nomination of Olivia Golden
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1627, the North American Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S. 1668, Social Security Act Amendments of 1993
acrobatOpen executive session to consider recommendations for legislation to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen executive session to consider recommendations for legislation to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen executive session to consider recommendations for legislation to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen executive session to consider S.J. Res. 110, Most-Favored-Nation status for Romania; Budget Authorizations for the U.S. Customs Service, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative and the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC); ITC Study of section 332 on environmental technology industries; and recommendations for legislation to implement the North American Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen executive session to consider the nominations of Jeffrey Garten, Mary jo Bane, George Munoz, June Gibbs Brown, Shirley Sears Chater, and Herbert Chabot
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