Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatExecutive Session to Discuss Currency Rates with European Commission President Jacques Delors
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Federal Supplemental Compensation Program Phaseout; Auto Recordkeeping Requirements, and U.S. - Japan Trade Legislation
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider U.S.- Israel Free Trade Agreement; S. Con. Res. 15, U.S. - Japan Trade; Requests for International Trade Commission studies on European Pork Imports, GATT Dispute Settlement, and Steel Exports
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Organizing for the 99th Congress
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nominations of Richard Darman and Ronald Alan Pearlman
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of James A. Baker, III, of Texas, to be Secretary of the Treasury
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Dodie Truman Livingston; the Retirement Equity Act of 1984; H.R. 3398, Omnibus Tariff and Trade Act of 1984
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Sections 502 and 1006 of S. 1739, Water Resources Development Act
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Social Security Disability Amendments of 1984
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Social Security Disability Amendments of 1984
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the U.S. - Israel Free Trade Area and other Limited Tariff Negotiations
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider an Increase in the Public Debt Limit; and the Budget Authorizations for the Office of the United States Trade Representative, the International Trade Commission, and the United States Customs Service
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Deficit Reduction
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Deficit Reduction
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Deficit Reduction
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