Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 2673, Tuition Tax Credit Act of 1982
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Miscellaneous Tariffs Bills
acrobatOpen Executive Session on Public Debt Increase, Most Favored Nation Status for Romania and Tuition Tax Credits
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 2673, Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982; and S. 550, Tuition Tax Relief Act of 1981
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider H.R. 4961, Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider H.R. 4961, Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider H.R. 4961, Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
acrobatOpen Execuitve Session to Consider S. 2094, Reciprocal Trade and Investment Act of 1982; S. Con. Res. 100, A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of the Congress that pending steel unfair trade practice cases be vigorously pursued and promptly concluded; and H.R. 1635, Private Bill for the relief of The Jefferson County Mental Health Center
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 2094, Reciprocal Trade and Investment Act of 1982
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider a U.S. International Trade Commission 332 investigation on export credit financing on general aviation: aircraft; S. Res. 386, A resolution to express the sense of the Senate on the goals of the United States for the November 1982 meeting of ministerial-level representatives to the general agreement on tariffs and trade; Authorizations of budgets for U.S. Trade Representative, Customs and the International Trade Commission
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Administration's Budget Proposals
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Administration's Budget Proposals
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Fiscal Year 1983 Finance Committee Report to the Senate Budget Committee
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider the Committee Budget
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Amendments to the Miscellaneous Revenue Act
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