Executive Session Transcripts

Table for executive_session_transcript
Date News Item
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 1307, the Dominican Republic-Central American-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act; S.J. Res. 18, a joint resolution approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the burmese freedom and democracy act of 2003
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider S. 1307, the Dominican Republic-Central American-United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act; S.J. Res. 18, a joint resolution approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the burmese freedom and democracy act of 2003
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Energy Policy Tax Incentives Act of 2005
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Proposed Legislation Implementing the U.S. - Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of the Honorable Robert J. Portman to be United States Trade Representative
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider an Original Bill Entitled Highway Reauthorization and Excise Tax Simplification Act of 2005; and S. 661, United States Tax Court Modernization Act
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Nomination of Daniel Levinson to be Inspector General of Health and Human Services
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider the Personal Responsibility and Individual Development for Everyone Act; Nomination of Harold Damelin, to be Inspector General, Department of the Treasury; and nomination of Raymond Wagner, to be Member of the Internal Revenue Service Oversight Board
acrobatOpen Executive Session to Consider Michael O. Leavitt, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services; and to Organize for the 109th Congress
acrobatOpen Executive session to consider the john breaux elder justice act of 2004; and the nomination of joey russell george, to be inspector general for tax administration, department of the treasury
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider favorably reporting a substitute to S. 333, a bill to promote elder justice, and the nomination of Joey Russell George
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider favorably reporting S.2677, the U.S. - Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act; H. R. 982, A Bill to clarify the tax treatment of bonds and other obligations issued by the Government of American Samoa and the nominations of Timothy S. Bitsberger, Patrick P. O'Carroll, Jr. Paul B. Jones and Charles L. Kolbe
acrobatOpen Executive Session to consider proposed legislation implementing the U.S. - Morocco Free Trade Agreement; and to consider favorably reporting S.2610, the U.S. - Australia Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
acrobatOpen Executive Session on whether to consider favoably reporting the committee's recommendation, as amended, to implement the U.S. - Australia Free Trade Agreement
acrobatOpen Executive Session to review and make recommendations on proposed legislation implementing the U.S. - Australia Free Trade Agreement
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