May 2014 |
Hatch, McConnell and Coburn Question Accuracy of Obamacare Subsidies
Wyden Statement On WTO Ruling Against Chinese Automobile Tariffs
Hatch Calls IRS Decision on 501c4 Regulations a Step in the Right Direction
Wyden Statement Welcoming Open, Bipartisan Amendment Process on Tax Extenders Bill and Urging Swift Passage
New Hatch Letter to Chairman Yellen Re: Default Contingency Plans
House, Senate Leaders Press Obama Administration On Backlog of Medicaid Applications Due to Challenges
Hatch Counters Democrats’ Claims, Says Amendments Are Needed for Tax Extenders
Hatch Says Obamacare Implementation the Crown Jewel of Executive Overreach
Failed Obamacare State Exchanges, Burwell, and a Bill to Fix It:
Wyden Statement Regarding Floor Action on the EXPIRE Act
Hatch, Grassley Seek Answers from CMS in New Letter on Failed Obamacare State Exchanges
Hatch and Alexander Highlight GAO Report Showing Majority of International Grants at the Department of Labor are Missing Documentation
Wyden Urges Swift, Bipartisan Confirmation of Burwell for HHS Secretary
Wyden Discusses EXPIRE Act Benefits for Small Businesses on Senate Floor
Wyden Statement in Support of Sylvia Mathews Burwell for HHS Secretary