September 2000 |
Roth Welcomes Larry Craig to Finance Committee
Roth Wins Unanimous Victory for Retirement Security & Savings Act of 2000
Committee Approves Coal Miner's Retirement Fund Legislation
Roth Statement at Retirement Security & Savings Act of 2000 Mark Up
Roth to Introduce Medicare Bills with Immediate Prescription Drug Coverage for Nation's Neediest Seniors
Roth Introduces Medicare Bills That Would Provide Immediate Drug Coverage for Lower Income Seniors
Roth Urges Normalized Trade Relations With China
Roth Comment on Governor Bush's Medicare Proposal
Roth Unveils Tax Cut to Help Americans Save for Retirement
Committee to Mark Up Coal Miner's Retirement Fund Legislation September 7
Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on Multi-Billion Dollar Medicaid Payment Scheme
August 2000 |
Roth Proclaims September 5TH to be 401(k) Day
Roth Urges President to Repeal the Death Tax
Senate Approves Nominees to the IRS Oversight Board
July 2000 |
Roth Introduces Legislation to Help Medicare Beneficiaries Who Have MS or Cancer