January 2003 |
Grassley on the IRS' Electronic Filing Initiative
Grassley Advances Continued Funding for Welfare Programs
World Trade Organization Ruling on Dumping Law
Grassley on Improving the Trade Advisory Committee System
Grassley Advances Payment Fixes for Doctors, Small Hospitals
Baucus Statement Regading Offshore Financial Acounts Initiative
Joint Baucus-Grassley Statement Regarding GAO Report on IRS Contracting
Baucus Statement Regarding Economic Stimulus
December 2002 |
Baucus Economic Stimulus Proposal
Baucus Statement on U.S.-Chile FTA Negotiations
November 2002 |
Baucus Opposes House-Passed Physician Payment Bill
International Tax Working Group
October 2002 |
Sen. Max Baucus, Chairman of the Committee on Finance, and Sen. Tom Daschle, Senate Majority Leader, sent the following letter to Ambassador Zoellick regarding upcoming free trade agreement negotiations
Joint Statement of Senator Max Baucus and Senator Charles Grassley Report of the International Trade Commission Regarding a U.S.-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement
Statement for the Record by Senator Max Baucus on Congressional-Executive Consultations on Trade