October 2013 |
Hatch Says TIGTA Report on EITC Improper Payments Doesn’t Bode Well for ObamaCare Subsidies
Hatch: Healthcare.gov’s Glitches are a $400 Million Mistake
Hatch Statement on Supporting Bipartisan Plan to Reopen the Government, Prevent Default
Hatch Opposes $1.1 Trillion Debt Limit Hike
Hatch Statement at Finance Hearing Examining the Debt Limit
Hatch Tells Treasury Secretary Lew to Stop Creating “Needless Panic” Over Debt Ceiling
Hatch on Launch of ObamaCare Exchanges: Too Many Unanswered Questions, Too Many Unresolved Problems
ObamaCare: Are They Really Ready?
The Life of Julia Under ObamaCare: Will She Pay More, Will Her Personal Information Be Secure, Will She Have Access To Quality Health Care?
September 2013 |
Hatch Slams ObamaCare; Supports Efforts to Defund President’s Health Law
Hatch on Latest ObamaCare Delay: Asks Where’s the American People’s Delay?
Hatch Says New Report Shows Higher Costs, Fewer Choices Under ObamaCare
Finance Committee Republicans Demand Answers from Treasury Secretary Lew on Debt Limit
21 Senate Republicans Urge Against Any Regulation Allowing Obamacare Carve-Out for Unions
Hatch Introduces Legislation to Combat Domestic Youth Sex Trafficking