November 2017 |
Finance Committee Republicans are United on Senate Tax Plan
Senate Tax Bill Levels the Playing Field for American Small Businesses
The Senate Tax Proposal Delivers Benefits Directly to the Middle Class
Regular Order: 23.5 Hours Over Four Days, 350+ Amendments Filed
Real World Impact: Typical Family Saves Nearly $2,200 Under Senate Tax Plan
Making History, Finance Committee Clears Comprehensive Tax Overhaul
Repealing the Individual Mandate Tax Will Benefit Middle Class
Finance Committee Passes Historic Tax Overhaul
A Tax Plan to Provide Relief for the Middle-Class
Hatch Remarks at Finance Committee Markup of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Senate Tax Plan Designed To Lift American Families
The Obamacare Individual Mandate Tax is Failing the American People
Hatch Remarks at Finance Committee Markup of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
NFIB Endorses Senate Tax Bill
Hatch Releases Modifications to Senate Tax Plan