November 1999 |
Committee to Vote on Nominee; Confirm New Member Today
Senate Passed Africa Bill Walk Through
Roth Cheers Final Senate Approval of Africa Trade Bill
October 1999 |
Roth Urges Democrats to Put Aside Partisan Politics and Support Africa Trade Bill
Senate Unanimously Approves S. 1792
Roth: 1999 Budget Surplus is Thanks to GOP Congress's Spending Discipline
Roth Acts to Protect the Condor
Roth, Moynihan Urge that Medicare Legislation Take Top Priority on Senate Floor Schedule
Roth, Moynihan Urge Leadership to Take up Finance Committee Extenders Bill
Roth, African American Leaders Support Africa Trade Legislation
Roth Statement on Chafee
MEDIA ADVISORY: Africa Trade Bill Press Opportunity
Roth Urges Senate to Take up and Approve his Africa Trade Manager's Amendment
Committee to Hold Hearing on the Use of Seclusion and Restraints in Mental Hospitals and Nomination Hearing
Senate Finance Committee Approves ''The Balanced Budget Act of 1999''