April 2019 |
Chairman Grassley Op-ed: Protecting Vulnerable Seniors Through Congressional Oversight
Grassley Statement on the Omission of Agriculture from E.U. Trade Negotiating Mandate
Grassley, Ernst, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Protect Association Health Plans
Tax Reform: Record Jobs, Higher Wages, More Investment in America
Grassley Seeks Information about Information and Systems Security Vulnerabilities at the Department of Health and Human Services
Grassley Statement on Treasury’s Response to Trump Tax Return Request
Grassley, Wyden Ask HHS Watchdog to Investigate Middlemen ‘Spread Pricing’
Grassley, Neal, Wyden, Brady Joint Statement on Unilateral Digital Services Taxes, OECD Negotiations to Address the Tax Challenges of the Digitalization of the Economy
Grassley at Hearing With IRS Commissioner Rettig
Grassley Statement on Sanofi Insulin Price Announcement
"Medicare for All" = Medicare for NONE
Grassley At Prescription Drug Pricing Hearing With PBMs
Grassley Discusses PBMs on CNBC, Bloomberg Ahead of Drug Pricing Hearing
Rising prescription drug costs are a problem for many Americans – so let’s fix it
Grassley Floor Remarks on 232 Tariffs