December 2005 |
Grassley: Congress Would Reject Current WTO Draft
Grassley: If Doha Round Fails, U.S. Congress Will Look Elsewhere
Grassley Says Attempt to Weaken Services Sector Proposal is Misguided
Finance Committee Approves Nominations of Fratto, Spooner, Bohigian, Crowder
Chairman Grassley’s Floor Statement on the Senate Amendment to H.R. 4440, Katrina Tax Relief
Grassley Comment on South Korean Farmers’ Protect of Talks
Grassley on the Relevance of the U.S. Trade Deficit to the Doha Round
Grassley Says It’s Time to Ignore the Sideshows, Get Ambitious in Hong Kong
Summary of the Senate Amendment to HR4440, the House-passed Katrina tax relief bill
Senator Grassley’s Statement on the Status of Negotiations at the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference in Hong Kong
Grassley: Aid Pledge Could Jumpstart WTO Talks
Chairman Grassley’s statement of opposition to the Motion to Instruct Conferees on the Byrd amendment
Chairman Grassley comments on departure of American Red Cross President and CEO, future challenges for tax-exempt charity
Chairman Grassley’s statement on the United States-Bahrain Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act
Grassley Urges WTO Ministerial to Focus on Agricultural Market Access to Break the Logjam