September 2011 |
Baucus, Hatch, Davis, Doggett Unveil Legislation to Improve, Extend Child Welfare Programs
Baucus, Grassley Applaud Passage of Bill to Increase Tax Fairness, Deter Tax Shelters by Eliminating Patents on Tax Strategies
Baucus Calls for International Tax Rules that Promote American Jobs, Economic Growth
Baucus Hearing Statement Regarding Tax Reform and International Taxation
August 2011 |
Baucus, Hatch Announce Updated Subcommittee Assignments
Baucus Comment on Canada-Colombia FTA Entry into Force
Stark, Baucus Release GAO Report Showing Private-Investment Nursing Homes Target Higher-Paying Beneficiaries
Baucus Applauds Progress Delivering Affordable Health Insurance to Millions
Joint Statement by Senators Murray, Baucus, Kerry on Joint Committee Appointments
Baucus, Hatch, Camp, Levin Call on IRS to Ensure an Orderly Reinstatement of FAA Taxes
Baucus: Health Reform Reducing Costs for Seniors, Increasing Benefits
Baucus Comment on Trade Adjustment Assistance, FTAs
July 2011 |
Senators to Airlines: Pass Expired Tax Savings Along to Travelers
Baucus Urges Confirmation of Treasury, Tax Court Nominees
Baucus Statement Regarding Nominations to the U.S. Treasury and U.S. Tax Court