December 2010 |
Floor Statement of Senator Max Baucus (D-Mont.) Regarding the Middle Class Tax Cut Act of 2010
Baucus Examines Trends in Income, Federal Revenue at Tax Reform Hearing
Baucus Statement on the Recommendations of the Co-chairs of the Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform
Baucus, Levin, Camp statement on Korea FTA negotiations
November 2010 |
Baucus & Bingaman: GAO Report Charts Path to Enhance Crackdown on Drug Cartel Profits
Baucus Applauds House Passage of Yearlong Extension of Job Training, Aid for Low-Income Families
Baucus Introduces Year-Long Funding of Unemployment Insurance for Americans Looking for Work
Baucus Vows to Continue to Fight to Repeal Form 1099 Reporting Requirements
Baucus Applauds House Passage of Bill to Ensure Seniors, Military Families Continue Access to High-Quality Doctors
Baucus Applauds Yearlong Extension of Job Training, Aid for Low-Income Families
Baucus Applauds Senate Passage of Bill to Ensure Seniors, Military Families Continue Access to High-Quality Doctors
Baucus, Grassley Announce Deal to Ensure Seniors, Military Families Continue Access to High-Quality Doctors
Baucus Touts New Medicare Patient Protections at Finance Hearing
Baucus Touts New, Innovative Patient Protections to Reduce Preventable Deaths, Save Taxpayer Money
Baucus to Introduce Bill to Repeal Form 1099 Income Reporting Requirements for Small Businesses