April 2008 |
Baucus Calls for Sharper Focus to Fight Terror Financing
Senate Finance Committee Bipartisan Staff Discussion Draft of Bush Administration proposal for information reporting on electronic payment mechanism reimbursements
Treasury Department Responds to Baucus/Grassley Letter on Bear Stearns
March 2008 |
Baucus, Grassley Question Players in Bear Stearns Deal
Baucus: Farm Bill Proposal “Dead On Arrival”
Baucus, Grassley Ask HHS To Refine Medicaid Co-Payment Policy
Baucus, Colleagues Question USDA Rule on Argentina Beef
Baucus Applauds Senate’s Opposition to Undermining Medicaid, Shifting Additional Costs to States
Senate Confirms Shulman As IRS Commissioner
Baucus Statement on Customs Reauthorization
Baucus, Grassley Seek JCT Analysis of U.S. Taxation of Sovereign Wealth Funds
Baucus Slams Private Accounts in Social Security
Baucus, Grassley Seek JCT Analysis of U.S. Taxation of Sovereign Wealth Funds
Senate Puts Baucus Tax Cuts in Budget for Families, Homeowners, American Soldiers
Finance Committee Report - The Baucus Budget Amendment: Tax Cuts For Families, Homeowners, & Soldiers