January 2015 |
Wyden’s Response to the State of the Union Address
Wyden Statement on Marilyn Tavenner's Decision to Resign as CMS Administrator
Wyden: WTO Decision on Argentina Validates Strong Trade Enforcement
Hatch, Wyden Launch Bipartisan Finance Committee Tax Reform Working Groups
Wyden Statement on IRS Budget Challenges
Senate Democrats Introduce Resolution Commemorating 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid
Wyden, Cardin Introduce Legislation to Help Protect Consumers from Fraudulent Tax Preparers
Wyden Unveils Bill to Draw Top Teachers to Rural and Impoverished Areas
Wyden, Hatch and Markey Introduce "Ensuring Access to Clinical Trials Act"
Hatch Statement on Selection as Chairman of Senate Finance Committee
By the Numbers: A Closer Look at the Obama Economy
National Review Online OpEd: It’s Time to Rebuild the Tax Code
December 2014 |
Wyden, Hatch, Camp, Levin, Joint Statement on ITC Report on India Trade Policies
Wyden: Outdated Tax Code Harmfully Distorting Investment Decisions
Wyden Statement on Policy Changes to Open Relations with Cuba