June 2003 |
Statement of U.S. Senator Max Baucus Baucus, Co-Author of Landmark Medicare Reform Legislation, Hails Passage of Bill
Statement of Senator Max Baucus on the Nominations of Josette Shiner and Jim Jochum
Statement of U.S. Senator Max Baucus Medicare: Looking Toward Final Passage
Statements from U.S. Senator Max Baucus and Charles Grassley Regarding European Union provisional Common Agricultural Policy reform
Senators Work to End Loophole Potentially Affecting Iraqi Cultural Antiquities
Baucus and McCain Urge Administration to Raise Visibility of Middle East Trade Preference Program
Statement of Senator Max Baucus regarding U.S. World Trade Organization Challenge against Mexico
Joint Statement By Senators Baucus, Breaux, Lincoln and Snowe On House Child Tax Credit Vote
Statement of Senator Max Baucus Reforming Medicare
Statement of Senator Max Baucus on Child Health Improvement Program Extension
Baucus Urges House Passage of Child Tax Credit for Working Families
Statement of Senator Chuck Grassley and Max Baucus Upon Passage of the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003
Baucus Comments on Release of HHS Inspector General Report
Baucus Statement on Strengthening and Improving the Medicare Program
Baucus and Dooley Launch Investigation of FTA Priorities