October 2011 |
Hatch Statement on Class Act
Finance Committee Republicans Submit Recommendations to Deficit Reduction Committee
Trade Agreements by the Numbers: Creating Jobs and Economic Opportunity for America
Hatch Welcomes Senate Consideration of Trade Agreements; Renews Call for Aggressive Trade Agenda
Hatch on Senate Vote on President’s Stimulus Proposal
Fact Sheet: President’s Small Business Surtax Hits Job Creators
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Markup of Colombia, Panama, & South Korea Trade Agreements
In Speech at Heritage Foundation, Hatch Outlines Economic, Health Impact of Partisan Health Law
Memorandum: Institutes of Medicine Essential Benefit Package Recommendations
Hatch on Senate Vote on Currency Bill
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Examining the Impact of Tax Incentives on American Homeownership
Hatch on Senate Democrats’ Tax Proposal
Memorandom to Press on Hatch Amendment to S. 1619, the Currency Exchange Rate Oversight Reform Act
Hatch Presses Administration to Take Stand on Currency Bill
Hatch Applauds Trade Agreements Being Submitted to Congress