April 2017 |
Wyden Statement on Latest GOP Health Care Proposal
Wyden Statement on Unprincipled Trump Tax Plan
Wyden Welcomes New Tariffs on Unfairly Traded Canadian Softwood Lumber, Calls for Continued Tough Enforcement of U.S. Trade Laws
Wyden statement on Trump administration’s health care hostage-taking
Wyden Expands Request to HHS to Ensure Verma Complies with Ethics Agreements
Ahead of Filing Season Hearing, Wyden Calls for Restored IRS Enforcement Resource
Wyden Decries Lack of Response to Verma Ethics Inquiry
March 2017 |
Wyden, Blumenauer Announce Bipartisan Path to Marijuana Reform
Wyden Seeks Answers on Possible Treasury Secretary Ethics Violation
Wyden Statement on CBO Score of Revised TrumpCare Bill
TrumpCare's Tax Gift to Pharma Raises Premiums By Billions in Medicare Part B
Wyden Raises Concerns After Reports that Fired U.S. Attorney Was Investigating Tom Price’s Stock Trades
Wyden Asks HHS to Ensure Verma Complies with Ethics Agreement
Wyden and Pallone to Price: No Authority to Approve Harmful Medicaid Waivers
Wyden Slams Republican Vote to Create “Bedlam” for Drug Testing of Unemployed Americans