December 2012 |
Hatch Calls on President to Work in Bipartisan Way to Reform Welfare Program; Withdraw Work Requirement Waiver Rule
Hatch, Camp Call on Business Community to Embrace Comprehensive Tax Reform
Hatch on President Signing Russia Trade Bill into Law
Hatch Outlines Impact of President’s Tax Hike Plan on Retirees, Investment
Committee Leaders Concerned with President’s “Bait and Switch” Tactics to Sell Medicaid Expansion
Senators Push to Extend Comment Period for Complex Health Care Rules
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Evaluating Efforts to Improve Care, Lower Costs for Dually-Eligible Patients
In Speech, Hatch Outlines Impact of Job-Crushing Tax Hikes on American Small Businesses
Hatch: White House Choosing Wall Street, Large Fortune 500 Companies Over Small Businesses
Hatch Statement at Senate Finance Committee Hearing Considering the Nominations of Ronald Buch & Albert Lauber
Hatch Outlines Impact of End of Year Death Tax Hike on Farmers, Small Businesses
Hatch, Camp Statement on White House “Bullying” Charitable Community in Pursuit of Tax Hikes
Hatch Hails Senate Passage of Bipartisan Trade Bill to Boost American Exports; Create Jobs
Hatch on Secretary Geithner Saying White House Willing to Go Over Fiscal Cliff
Hatch Calls on Senate to Pass Bill to Grant Russia Permanent Normal Trade Relations