December 2015 |
Hatch, Wyden, Isakson, Warner Release Chronic Care Options Paper
Hatch: Finance Committee is Back to Work for America
Slashing Obamacare’s Devastating Taxes
Hatch, Isakson Question CMS’s Income Verification Practices for Obamacare Benefits
Permanent Pro-Growth Tax Relief for American Job Creators
Hatch: PATH Act Provides Critical Tax Relief and Stability for American Families and Job Creators
The PATH Act – Making a List, Checking it Twice
Hatch, Brady, Wyden Announce Deal to Provide Responsible Tax Relief for American Families, Job Creators & Entrepreneurs
Hatch, Grassley, Murkowski Introduce Legislation to Address Puerto Rico Debt Crisis
Hatch, Brady, Wyden Announce Deal on Bipartisan Customs Legislation
Hatch, Wyden Applaud Introduction of Bipartisan Bill to Overhaul Medicare Audit & Appeals Process
Hatch and Upton Press CMS On Lack of Oversight of Medicaid Verification Systems
Hatch Statement at Customs Conference Meeting
Hatch says Non-Partisan Scorekeeper Agrees, Obamacare Hurts Jobs
Senate & House Customs Conferees to Hold Public Meeting