December 2012 |
Hatch Hails Senate Passage of Bipartisan Trade Bill to Boost American Exports; Create Jobs
Hatch on Secretary Geithner Saying White House Willing to Go Over Fiscal Cliff
Hatch Calls on Senate to Pass Bill to Grant Russia Permanent Normal Trade Relations
In Speech, Hatch Outlines Consequences of President’s Small Business Tax Hike Plan; Need for Entitlement Reform
President’s $2 Trillion Tax Hike Hurts Small Business’s Ability to Grow, Hire, & Invest
November 2012 |
The President’s $2 Trillion Tax Hike: Bad News for America’s Manufacturers
The Numbers Just Don’t Add Up: Why American Needs Fundamental, Structural Entitlement Reform
Hatch: GAO Report Confirms Need for Structural Reforms to Medicaid
Hatch Statement on Chinese Currency Report
The Case for Tax Reform
Hatch Praises House Passage of Bill to Boost U.S. Exports to Russia
Hatch on President’s Comments on Fiscal Cliff
Consequences of Going Over the Fiscal Cliff: Tax Hikes on Nearly Every American Taxpayer
Hatch Statement on HHS’ Decision to Extend Deadline for States Setting Up Health Insurance Exchanges
Hatch on Fiscal Cliff