July 2012 |
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Examining the Impact of Tax Reform on Economic Opportunities for Young People
In Speech, Hatch Outlines Economic Impact of Partisan Health law, Need for Entitlement Reform
Hatch to President Obama: There’s No Need to Fight
June 2012 |
Hatch on Highway Bill Conference Report, Student Loan Package
Supreme Court Rules that ObamaCare Medicaid Expansion is Washington Power Grab at Expense of States
Why ObamaCare Must Be Fully Repealed
Hatch Statement on Supreme Court Ruling on ObamaCare
Bipartisan Leaders in Senate and House Urge GAO to Probe Success Rate of Efforts to Identify and Prevent Medicare Fraud
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Examining Russia’s Accession to the World Trade Organization
Hatch: JCT Analysis “Irrefutable Proof” of Need to Prevent Massive End of Year Tax Hikes
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Hearing Examining Ways to Effectively Address the Nation’s Looming Fiscal Crisis
Senators to IRS: Congress has Made Privacy the Rule, Not the Exception
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Roundtable Discussion on Medicare Physician Payments
Hatch Says New GAO Analysis Confirms Medical Devices Improve Patient Lives
Hatch Calls on Congress to Act to Prevent Middle-Class from Being Hit with Alternative Minimum Tax