September 2005 |
Baucus Welcomes New Prescription Drug Benefit
Baucus Hearing Statement: ''Hurricane Katrina: Community Rebuilding Needs and Effectiveness of Past Proposals''
Baucus Urges Swift Passage of Katrina Health Package
Grassley, Baucus Voice Concerns Regarding Katrina Health Needs
Finance, HELP Committee Leaders Agree on Pension Bill
Grassley, Baucus Seek Major Inspector General Role in Policing Katrina Spending
Baucus Hails Signing of Katrina Tax Relief Package
Baucus Praises Final Passage of Katrina Tax Package
Grassley on the House-Senate Agreement on the Katrina Tax Bill
Grassley, Baucus urge White House to keep pressure on Japan to accept U.S. beef
House-Senate agreement on short-term Katrina tax relief bill
Senators Praise Senate Passage of Hurricane Tax Relief Bill
Statement of U.S. Senator Max Baucus on Hurricane Katrina Health Relief Package
Baucus Highlights Need for Health Care Reform
Summary of Grassley-Baucus Hurricane Katrina Tax Relief Package