February 2008 |
Grassley: Stanford’s Student Aid Spending May be Latest in Trend, Small Iowa College Offers Example of Commitment to Students
Grassley Urges IRS to Fix Unreasonable Electronic Filing Deadline for Family Farmers
Grassley, Kohl Work to Improve Care in Nursing Homes
Grassley follows up with Treasury Secretary on hiring 1,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans for IRS jobs
Grassley asks additional questions about the Vytorin ENHANCE clinical trial
Grassley testimony regarding antibiotic Ketek before House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations
Grassley urges FDA to better target foreign inspection resources to improve drug safety
Grassley, Schumer Urge Payday Lenders Not to Exploit Stimulus Rebate Checks
Grassley urges House to support wind energy tax credit, reject last year’s effort to cap credit
CMS, Congress, Plans Need to Rein in Abusive Sales Tactics in Medicare Advantage
Grassley letter to pharmaceutical drug maker about notice of drug trial findings
Tax Relief Has Boosted Federal Revenue Base, is Separate from Entitlement Problem
Grassley Welcomes Realization about SCHIP Funding Needs, Seeks Explanation for Administration’s Dramatic Turn-around
Grassley: SEC Agrees to Conduct More Aggressive Oversight of Stock Exchanges
January 2008 |
Grassley: Senate Stimulus Bill Improves Upon the House Bill