March 2005 |
Grassley, Baucus on the Nomination of U.S. Trade Representative
Congressional Democrats Speak Out Against Privatization
A letter from Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Baucus to the Capital Athletic Foundation asking questions about possible violations of the tax law as it relates to private foundations
Baucus Introduces Legislation to Promote Research and Development
Floor Speech of U.S. Senator Baucus Urging Support for Amendment to Protect Social Security
Baucus Meets with Japanese Ambassador to Discuss Ban on U.S. Beef
Grassley, Baucus Seek Comments on Expiring Tax Provisions Report
Baucus Introduces the Encouraging Work Act of 2005
Baucus and Rockefeller Applaud Senate Budget Committee's Opposition to Undermining Medicaid and Shifting Additional Costs to States
Bipartisan Welfare Reform Moves Closer to Law
Baucus Comments on WTO Ruling Between the United States and Brazil
Baucus: Don't Get ''Punk'd'' by Social Security Plan
Grassley, Baucus Get Clarification on Refund Claims for Fuel Taxes
February 2005 |
Grassley, Baucus Urge USTR To Pressure Japan On Beef, Insurance Privatization
Baucus Blasts New Ag Trade Restrictions; Will Block Treasury Nominees