March 2004 |
Sen. Baucus Holding Conference Call from Asia with U.S. Reporters Monday
U.S. Senator Baucus Holds Press Availability in Japan
Baucus Statement on Further Need for Congressional Access to CMS Actuary Findings
Senators Expand Leasing Tax Shelters Probe to Energy Department
Sen. Baucus Traveling to Asia Next Week, Focusing on Opening Markets and Building Trade Opportunities
Sen. Baucus Calls for Normal Trade Relations for Laos
Sen. Baucus Working to Establish Trade Preference Program for Middle East
Baucus Presses for Trade Agreements that Help the Economy, Addresses Offshoring
Baucus Statement at Nomination Hearing of Dr. McClellan and Treasury Nominees
Senators Expand Leasing Tax Shelters Probe to FAA, EPA
Grassley, Baucus Urge Budget Leaders to Consider Impact of Leasing Deals
Senators Continue Inquiry Into The Nature Conservancy
Baucus Focuses on Sharpening America's Competitive Edge, Addresses "Offshoring"
Baucus Leads Debate on Manufacturing Tax Relief Bill
Baucus Works to Provide Displaced Service Workers with Support, Introduces Bill to Expand Trade Adjustment Assistance