Chairman's News
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Date | News Item |
January 2020 | |
acrobatChairman Grassley GME Response | |
acrobat2019-10-17 CEG to HHS (GME) | |
December 2019 | |
acrobatCEG.Young to HHSOIG (OPO Oversight) Dec.18.2019 | |
acrobat2019.12.17_WM SFC to Sec Mnuchin re TFA | |
acrobat2019-12-03 CEG to Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare | |
acrobat2019-11-22 CEG Letter to World Bank President Malpass | |
November 2019 | |
acrobatGrassley, Wyden to Akins - Conservation Easements Investigation | |
October 2019 | |
acrobatGrassley Rubio to CMS (CMS Genome Report)_FINAL | |
acrobat2019-10-17 CEG to UVA Health System | |
acrobatGrassley to IRS (National Rifle Association) | |
acrobatCEG letter to HHS on GMEs | |
acrobatCEG Letter to CMS on Fraudulent Medicaid Payments to the Deceased | |
acrobatGenetic testing scams letter to HHS, CMS | |
September 2019 | |
acrobatHHS response to CEG on PR Medicaid | |
acrobatLetter to State on Service Dogs |