June 2008 |
Baucus Comments on U.S.-Korea Beef Changes
Senators Urge More Transparency in CHIP, Medicaid Waiver Process
Finance Panel Approves Strong Iran Sanctions Plan
Baucus-Grassley Tax Measures In Housing Bill Provide Incentives To Homeowners, Homebuyers
Finance Committee Approves Six Nominations
Finance Panel Approves Montana’s Ed Eck To IRS Oversight Board
Baucus Statement at Iran Sanctions Markup
AIPAC supports Chairman’s Mark of Iran Sanctions Legislation
Baucus, Grassley, Colleagues Introduce Bill To Delay Medical Equipment Bidding Program
Baucus Condemns Senate’s Second Refusal to Consider Tax Relief
Baucus, Grassley Military Tax Relief Package Becomes Law
Baucus Condemns Block to Unemployment Help
Baucus Hearing Statement on Federal Budget Deficits
Finance Panel to Consider Baucus Iran Sanctions Plan
Finance Committee to Consider Nominations