May 2017 |
Hatch Announces Finance Hearing on Administration’s Treasury Budget Request & Tax Reform Policy Options
Hatch, Wyden Applaud Committee Passage of CHRONIC Care Act
Hatch Statement on NAFTA Notification
Hatch Statement at Finance Committee Mark-Up of the CHRONIC Care Act
Obamacare: Unaffordable & Unacceptable
Hatch, Brady, Buchanan Question Scope and Impact of Recent IRS Summons to Coinbase Users
Hatch, Wyden Announce Mark-Up of CHRONIC Care Act
Hatch Statement at Finance Hearing on the CHRONIC Care Act
Hatch Urges Support for Lighthizer
Hatch, Wyden to Hold Finance Hearing on CHRONIC Care Act
Hatch Statement on House Passage of Bill to Repeal and Replace Obamacare
Hatch Urges Support for Rollback of Harmful Obama Rule
Hatch, Wyden to Hold Finance Hearing on CHIP
Hatch Highlights ‘Once-in-a Generation’ Opportunity on Tax Reform
April 2017 |
Hatch, McConnell, Ryan, Brady Statement on Administration’s Tax Plan