February 2003 |
Baucus Comments on U.S. Treasury Regulations Aimed at Eradicating Abusive Tax Shelters
Baucus Statement Regarding U.S. Tax Court Nominee Harry A. Haines
Baucus Expresses Concern Over President’s Economic Stimulus Proposal
Baucus Statement Regarding HHS FY 2004 Budget
Baucus Statement Regarding the Miscellaneous Trade and Tariffs Markup
Baucus Statement Regarding IRS Lockbox Banks
Statement by Senator Max Baucus Regarding Welfare Legislation
Baucus Statement on Enron Tax Return Investigation
Baucus Statement on Economic Growth and Job Creation: Investment Incentives
Baucus Comments On Chairman Greenspan’s Testimony Before the Banking Committee Today
Baucus Hearing Statement on Economic Growth and Job Creation: Incentives for Consumption
Baucus Announces Finance Committee Staff Changes
Statement on Introduction of Elder Justice Act
Baucus Floor Statement Regarding Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers
Baucus Proposes Funding Assistance for Families of Space Shuttle Columbia Heroes